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{"balls":[{"left":563.359375,"type":"1","top":276},{"left":584.03125,"type":"cue","top":289},{"left":75.515625,"type":"6","top":219},{"left":54.546875,"type":"7","top":41}],"lines":[{"d":"M64.046875 50.5 Q 51.0234375 45.25 38 40","solid":false,"arrow":true,"arrowType":"arrow-7","color":"#993300"},{"d":"M594.03125 299 Q 591.015625 348 588 397","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M589 393 Q 578.5 347 568 301","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M567 302 Q 458.66229241732987 172.01212528743648 377 49","solid":false,"arrow":true,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M573.359375 285.5 Q 609.1796875 164.75 645 44","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-1","color":"#F8E100"},{"d":"M646 48 Q 692.5 208 739 368","solid":false,"arrow":true,"arrowType":"arrow-1","color":"#F8E100"}],"text":[{"content":" MY POCKET","left":-99,"top":433.5,"size":"","color":"black","height":50,"width":250},{"content":" OPPONENT'S POCKET","left":-61,"top":-48.5,"size":"","color":"black","height":50,"width":250}],"speed":0.6666666666666666,"spin":{"x":13,"y":7},"name":"","description":"","tableSize":"9"}


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Tips for Balls

Removing: Drag to any pocket and release.

Use the keyboard arrows to fine-tune the placement of balls.

When drawing lines, you can click a ball to attach the line to that ball.

Tips for Lines

Removing: Hover over lines and press backspace OR click and hold for 3 seconds.

Press "A" on the keyboard to toggle arrows.
Press "L" on the keyboard to toggle line styles.

Click the Lines menu on the left to see options for colors, massé, and more.

Starting lines near the end of another will connect them. It creates a joint between the two that you can drag around.

Clicking a ball will connect a line to that ball.

Tips for Texts

Removing: Click text and follow dialog instructions.

You can resize text field by dragging textbox lower right corner.

Tips for Shapes

Removing: Drag shape to overlap any rail.

Resizing: Open Shapes menu on left to show resizing tool.

Tips for Cues

Removing: You can't remove one yet.

Click the Cues menu on the left to see options for rotation, style, and more.