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{"balls":[{"left":198.578125,"type":"3","top":164},{"left":178.734375,"type":"cue","top":314},{"left":225.34375,"type":"solid-generic","top":41},{"left":129.734375,"type":"ghost","top":155}],"lines":[{"d":"M207.578125 119 Q 207.7890625 82 208 45","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"undefined","color":"#ED2726"},{"d":"M208 45 Q 265.5 181.5 323 318","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"undefined","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M207.578125 119 Q 265.2890625 80 323 41","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"undefined","color":"#ED2726"},{"d":"M233 104 Q 233 75 233 46","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"undefined","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M228 192 Q 148.29600524902344 197.23400115966797 68.59201049804688 202.46800231933594","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M5 23 Q 172.86099243164062 74.5979995727539 340.72198486328125 126.19599914550781","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M188.734375 324 Q 181.627685546875 255.1722412109375 174.52099609375 186.344482421875","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M232 106 Q 362 191.5 492 277","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M357 278 Q 477 165.5 597 53","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M228 172 Q 241 166.5 254 161","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"},{"d":"M441 118 Q 344 140.5 247 163","solid":false,"arrow":false,"arrowType":"arrow-generic","color":"#000000"}],"text":[{"content":"#1","left":175.5,"top":50,"size":"","color":"white","height":50,"width":250},{"content":"#2","left":315.5,"top":38,"size":"","color":"white","height":50,"width":250},{"content":"#3","left":219.5,"top":4,"size":"","color":"black","height":50,"width":250}],"speed":0.5,"spin":{"x":-5,"y":14},"name":"Easy bank shot calculator","description":"This is pretty sure fire way of calculating where to shoot the bank. \n\n#1.) Cast a line to from the object ball to the rail, then to the pocket you want to shoot into.\n\n#2.) Cast a line from the object ball to the opposite pocket (from where you want to shoot into)\n\n#3.) Find the intersection of the two lines and send it up to the rail. That is your ghost position. If your object ball makes contact with the rail at that point, it will bank into your desired pocket.\n\nRemember that harder shots will cut in tighter and softer shots will roll wider. Use a regular medium speed for this.","tableSize":7}


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Tips for Balls

Removing: Drag to any pocket and release.

Use the keyboard arrows to fine-tune the placement of balls.

When drawing lines, you can click a ball to attach the line to that ball.

Tips for Lines

Removing: Hover over lines and press backspace OR click and hold for 3 seconds.

Press "A" on the keyboard to toggle arrows.
Press "L" on the keyboard to toggle line styles.

Click the Lines menu on the left to see options for colors, massé, and more.

Starting lines near the end of another will connect them. It creates a joint between the two that you can drag around.

Clicking a ball will connect a line to that ball.

Tips for Texts

Removing: Click text and follow dialog instructions.

You can resize text field by dragging textbox lower right corner.

Tips for Shapes

Removing: Drag shape to overlap any rail.

Resizing: Open Shapes menu on left to show resizing tool.

Tips for Cues

Removing: You can't remove one yet.

Click the Cues menu on the left to see options for rotation, style, and more.